Twin Data Has 5250 & 3270 Style 122-Key & 104-Key Keyboards for your PCs, Thin Client, Ethernet, Twinax and Coax Terminals.... new or old
Keyboards for 10Zig, Affirmative, BOSaNOVA, CLI, Decision Data, IBM, I-O, Praim and others.
We can also give you 122-Key Keyboards for all the Thin Client Terminals you are using in an AS/400 iSeries or S/390 zSeries environment. These keyboards eliminate any operator retraining by providing the same productive keyboard layout being used for years.
All of the keyboards below with a "T" in the part number (except the CLIKB122TX) are the heavy duty "clicky" Tactile Feedback models you are familiar with, like those on IBM InfoWindow Twinax and Coax Terminals.